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What Do Honda Maintenance Minder Codes Mean?

Honda Service Codes

You don’t need to travel in time to find a car that talks to you — your Honda already pipes up when something’s amiss, but you need to know the language. As you make your way through MN roads, if your vehicle displays the “Maintenance Due Soon” message, your Honda may be notifying you that it’s time to have your vehicle looked at. Luckily, Honda service codes are an easy language to grasp and Richfield Bloomington Honda is here to break down everything you need to know so you can get your car taken care of and get back on the road in no time. Along with the 15% Oil Life message, there will be an alphanumeric code that is displayed on the same screen. Here is how to decipher the code:

Main Honda Service Codes

Code What it Means
A Change Oil and Filter
B Replace the engine oil and oil filter. Perform front and rear brake cleaning and lubrication. Adjust parking brake. Perform in-depth inspection of the brake components.
A12 It may be necessary to change the engine air filter, change the oil, or rotate the tires
B17 It may be necessary to oil change, tire rotation, and brake fluid replacement

Honda Service Sub-Codes

Sub-Code What it Means
0 Perform multi-point inspection.
1 Tires need a rotation service.
2 Replace the cabin and engine air filters.
3 Replace the transmission fluid.
4 Replace spark plugs, timing belt (if equipped) and adjust valves.
5 The engine coolant needs replacing.
6 If equipped, rear differential fluid needs replacing.
7 Replace brake fluid.

How Does Honda Maintenance Minder Work?

While you can surely see the value of having your Honda maintenance minder indicate what you need to know about the condition of your vehicle, you may be wondering how it even works in the first place. The maintenance minder system uses information from engine operating conditions and will calculate the remaining engine oil life and display it as a percentage. Customers don’t have to remember their maintenance schedule from memory as the Honda Maintenance Minder system shows the engine oil life in the information display as a percentage that begins at 100% oil life and you can monitor your oil over life percentage over time as you put miles on the vehicle.

Let Richfield Bloomington Honda Service Your Vehicle

You don’t want to suffer tire problems on your way to St. Paul or a break down on the way to Minneapolis, so arrange service when these Honda Maintenance Minder codes appear and make sure you follow your maintenance schedule. You can even check out even more helpful features such as how often to rotate your tires, failure to change your oil, or how to check car oil. To learn more, contact us today or schedule a B1 service appointment at our dealership near Bloomington!